Roger Hill has been drawing boats for just over 38 years. Starting out his working life as an architectural draughtsman and then being asked to join the office of Bruce Farr in Auckland.
The Hills moved with the office to Annapolis and after 3 years there went on to work in England for Rob Humphreys for 3 years, moving back to Auckland in the late 80's to settle down with a family.
Working out of an office at home we were kept busy with work for various local designers (Jim Young, Alan Warwick, Ron Given, Scott Robson) and also continued working with Rob Humphreys on some significant projects that they had the need for extra help with.
Approximately 20 years ago an opportunity came along to design a 14.5m planing power cat and at the same time a project to design a new 11.9m 'Townson' keel boat for a client who had a very long association with Des Townson. These two boats started me down the track of self employment designing under my own name, the power cat 'Life' was a very well recieved boat in the Auckland scene and 'Cabalero' was also quite a success.
After these initial projects work came in from various directions and an interesting variety of work including mono hull and catamarans, power and sail, steel, alloy, wood, and composite construction.
14 years ago there was a need to expand a little and the office moved out of the house to the Tamaki river side position, staff were employed and since then we have continued to enjoy a steady stream of interesting and varied work.
Looking ahead a little I would say that we will continue to do pretty much as we have been in the past, it is a small office in terms of people, just two of us and although we don't seem to be getting any super yachts to design we do enjoy the work we have and size is not important around here, we will have a look at anything that comes through the door.
RHYD offers a very thorough and professional design service. The design work produced and detailed drawings are accurate and precise and of a high standard. We can combine the advantages of modern up to date design methodology and software with many years of practical experience in designing and boat building.
We maintain an 'open mind' policy when it comes to looking at new projects, if it appears to be a sound and workable brief we will have a go. If it is something that I think is not very feasible or practical (for various reasons) or the budget restraints will seriously compromise the intended project or it is something that we have no experience with then the client is given an opportunity to try elsewhere.
Office motto - A successful project is a happy client.
What's the point if the whole exercise is not a pleasant experience for all involved?
Hear Roger talk about one of his sailing cat designs in the video below:
Our Designs
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Contact us nowShe is a very strong, seaworthy vessel and I doubt that few have ever been in rougher ocean weather than we have in a similar sized powercat
Craig Dorsey - SEATTLE